Tao Bao Food Franchise

About Tao Bao

Tao Bao is a brand by SR enterprises in New Delhi Specialised in Corn Dog a korean Dish
Corndog is a sausage on a stick coated with a thick layer of cornmeal, rice meal batter & deep fried,
" CORN DOG " A world's fomous , popular, trendy korean street food.
Taobao " introducing indo - korean style hotdog in india. Taobao means cheerful, playful & bright in india. Taobao corndog strives to bring a positive & delightful experience for our guest 's after each bite!!
Most popular item of tao bao franchise are
Tandoori Corndog
Mozza Corndog
Monster Patatoe
Cheese Dodo
Classic Corndog
Tandoori Corndog