Franchise of Trust Educom online business


Trust Educom is an Online Learning Platform where you can sell more than 86 Courses to students. all the Courses are Job Based and entrepreneurship Based business.

About Trust Educom:

They have categorized their courses by interests or career options, following are the videos explaining about how our courses can help you in your office, starting or advancing your career; or just learning new skills !

  1. Simple Language :They use Indian English and Hindi to explain the subject and explain in a simpler way.
  2. Learn At Your Time :Their courses are all online means you can learn at your convenient time of the day. Utilize Spare time .They provide online computer education through video tutorials that you can access anytime, anywhere so you can learn new computer skills in your spare time.
  3. Access Anywhere :Internet is everywhere, so you can go anywhere and carry the learning with you. Assessing ourself is very important, Now using our Online Examination System you can know how much you learned in particular course. No need to go to Examination Center.
  4. Evaluate Online :They provide online quizes in most of our courses so you can evaluate your progress anytime. Assessing yourself is very important, Now using our Online Examination System you can know how much you learned in particular course. No need to go to Examination Center.
  5. Huge Course Library :Their computer courses library consists a lot of Courses from basics advanced skills.
  6. Fun Way To Learn :The more you involve with something the more easy and enjoyable it become.

Why Choose them?

  • 15+ Course Categories covered.
  • 85+ Computer Skills covered.
  • 10,000+ MCQs to evaluate your skills.
  • 1,300+ Video topics to learn from.
  • Learn concepts faster with practical examples.
  • Easy and Simple to understand Indian English.
  • Animated on screen instructions and Zoom effects.
  • We start teaching from the foundation of the subject.

Franchise Modules for Trust Educom:


Franchise Fees – Rs. 40,000 / – Only (For First Year)
Renewal Charges – Rs. 20,000 / – Only (From Second Year)

* Admin Franchise – 40 % of Total Sales. (Self Selling)
* State Franchise – 5 % of Total Sales. (State Franchise Selling)
* District Franchise – 5 % of Total Sales. (District Franchise Selling)
* Distributer – 5 % of Total Sales. (Distributer Selling)
* Associate – 5 % ofTotal Sales. (Associate Selling)

* State Franchise – Rs. 5000 /
* District Franchise – Rs. 3000 /
* Distributer – Rs. 2000/
* Associate – Rs. 1000 / 


Franchise Fees – Rs. 25,000/ – Only (For First Year)
Renewal Charges – Rs. 12,500 / – Only (From Second Year)

* State Franchise – 35 % ofTotal Sales. (Self Selling)
* District Franchise – 5 % ofTotal Sales. (District Franchise Selling)
* Distributer – 5 % of Total Sales. (Distributer Selling)
* Associate – 5 % ofTotal Sales. (Associate Selling)

EXTRA BENEFIT (SelfReferal) :
* District Franchise – Rs. 3000 /
* Distributer – Rs. 2000/
* Associate – Rs. 1000 /


Franchise Fees – Rs. 12,000 / – Only (For First Year)
Renewal Charges – Rs. 6,000/ – Only (From Second Year)

* District Franchise – 30 % of Total Sales. (Self Selling)
* Distributer – 5 % of Total Sales. (Distributer Selling)
* Associate – 5 % ofTotal Sales. (Associate Selling)

EXTRA BENEFIT (SelfReferal):
* Distributer – Rs. 2000/
* Associate – Rs. 1000 /


Franchise Fees – Rs. 6,000 / – Only (For First Year)
Renewal Charges – Rs. 3,000 / – Only (From Second Year)

* Distributer – 25 % of Total Sales. (Self Selling)
* Associate – 5 % ofTotal Sales. (Associate Selling)

* Associate – Rs. 1000/-


Franchise Fees – Rs. 2,000 / – Only (For First Year)
Renewal Charges – Rs. 1,000 / – Only (From Second Year)

* Associate – 20% ofTotal Sales. (Self Selling)

* No Any Extra Benefit.

PPT: Trust Educom Franchise ppt1-converted

So, If Have any Inquire for New Business Opportunity then you can call Us or whats app at 8383900912

whatsapp call to action by ashish aggarwal

So,If you have any Query or you want to start a New Business or want to Promote your Existing Business .Franchise batao is Giving you an excellent opportunity.So, Please Comment Below or share this post.

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