7/12 Natural fried Ice Cream parlour Franchise in India

Ice Cream parlour Franchise in India


Fried Ice Cream is generally known as Ice Cream rolled Ice cream in India. It is a frozen sweet dessert made using milk, sugar, cream, and different flavours of fruits. The dessert is commonly made by taking a scoop of ice cream frozen well on ice pan below the temperature at which ice cream is generally kept. Once the rolling process is complete, the result is a roll of smooth, semi-solid ice cream. The rolls are placed in a vertical position on an ice cream cup decorated with various toppings and ready to serve.

7/12 Fried Ice Cream Franchise models

1. FOFO Model

The FoFo model is operated by the Franchiser on their own.
Area required – 80sq.ft to 200sq.ft
Investment – 2.5 lacs
Royalty – 4% on sales
Profit margin – 60%

2. FOCO Model

The FoCo model is operated by the company. All expenses paid by the company.
Area required – 80sq.ft to 200sq.ft
Investment – 2.5 lacs
Royalty – 30% on total sales
Profit margin – 25%

Best quality Ice Cream parlour Franchise in India start your own business at low cost and earn huge profit.

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